Car Hire Car rental labuan bajo Flores

Labuan Car Rental

Labuan Car Rentals


Labuan Car Rentals / Car Rental in Labuan

Frequently asked questions

Labuan Car Rental What do I need For Labuan Car Rentals

  1. To Book Car just Text us / WA To (+62)811-337-168
  2. Your Schedule or what destination you want to visit in Labuan Bajo or Flores
  3. We only hire car with driver

How old do I have to be to rent a car?
For most car rental companies, the age requirement is between 17 and 70 years old. If you’re under 17 or over 70, you might have to pay an additional fee.

Can I book a rental car for someone else?
Yes, as long as they meet these requirements. Just fill in their details while you’re making the reservation.

What should I look for when I’m choosing a car?

  • Space: You’ll enjoy your rental far more if you choose a car with plenty of room for your passengers and luggage.
  • Location: You can’t beat an ‘on-airport’ pick-up for convenience, but an ‘off-airport’ pick-up with a shuttle bus can be much cheaper.
  • Type: Choose what type of car that comfort you, Start from Avanza to Alphard and Buss

Are all fees included in the rental price?

Yes, for other else such ticket entrance, accommodation, all meals during program is not included.

Do you have a Office in Labuan

Yes, we have. you can search “komodoshuttle” at goggle maps, 10 minutes from harbour or airport.

How’s the Price Labuan Car Rentals

Rp650.000/day – Capacity 4 passenger


Rental Mobil Waerebo
Rp900.000/day Capacity 4 passenger


Rp1.600.000/day Capacity 14 passenger without baggage  (10 passenger if yes.)


What type of service do you have?

  1. Fullday Package
  2. Halfday Package
  3. Taxi Or Transfer
  4. Overland trough all Trans Flores.

where/what else i can visit in Flores?

you can find the destination in Flores

for package for Overland trough flores you can go to page


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