Swarnabahtera RO-RO Surabaya Labuan Bajo - Ende
Swarnabahtera RO-RO Surabaya Labuan Bajo - Ende


KM. SWARNA BAHTERA 2 months ago I wrote article  the Ferry Ship "Hell" KM. Niki Sejahtera (Sby -Bajo -Ende) is really far from cleanliness and comfortless. This time there are…

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Swarnabahtera RO-RO Surabaya Labuan Bajo - Ende
Swarnabahtera RO-RO Surabaya Labuan Bajo - Ende


2 months ago I wrote article  the Ferry Ship "Hell" KM. Niki Sejahtera (Sby -Bajo -Ende) is really far from cleanliness and comfortness. This time there are New arrivals route…

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Komodo Shuttle Sewa Mobil Labuan Bajo 11
Komodo Shuttle Sewa Mobil Labuan Bajo 11

Megalith Village

The traditional village of Ruteng Pu’u, located 4km from Ruteng, is one of the most popular places to see the traditional compang, a round, stone platform surrounded by a circle…

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